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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Here it goes!

Well here is our first Blog post ever! Joshua and I just got married on July 30th 2009! And so far it has been wonderful! We have had a good time putting our home together and doing all that newlywed stuff! This last weekend, we got all our gift cards together and went to target and had a blast! Shopping is so much more fun when you don't have to pay for it! We bought new towels, pillow cases, glasses, toaster oven, waffle maker, bookcases and lots of other things, but the thing I was most excited about was our couch covers and pillows we bought! They have made a HUGE difference in making our little apartment look a little more homely. By the end of our shopping spree we had spent over $500.00 at target and not one penny came out of our pockets! Thank you all so much for being so generous! If it wasn't for all of you, we would probably still be sitting on plastic tubs and sleeping on a twin size mattress with my cute pink bed set.

Moving on, we both start school on monday, we are a little nervous about never seeing each other again until Christmas break, but hopefully we will both be able to organize our time and priorities so that we will still remember each others names in a few months. This semester might be kinda a tough one for me, I will be taking 3 of my major classes, and all of which I doubt will be easy, I also will be taking 3 other classes on top of that, and hopefully will be getting hired on at the Jared store here in Orem. Joshua will be very busy as well, he isn't going to be a full time student, but mostly because there aren't enough hours in the day for that to be possible. In addition to his classes he will be working full time at NuSkin, volunteering for BYU as an EMT, and studying for the LSAT which he plans on taking in February. Luckily though we decided to take our religion class together this semester, so that should be fun for us. It will be interesting to see how we do in it, since our studying habits are a little different. Joshua is a study till you drop kind of student, and I am more like a study until you get distracted student. So maybe we will balance each other out and both improve!

Well I guess that's everything! I will try and get this updated as much as possible! Leave some comments so I don't feel like I am writing to a brick wall! We love and miss you all! Catherine and Joshua!


  1. As crazy as it seems, this will be remembered as a very fun time together. I just read through my old journal of our first year. It was crazy and fun to see how much has changed. Maybe you could squeeze journaling into your crazy schedule?!

  2. Yippee!! i am so glad you are a blogger now! It sounds like you won't have much time for it though! Just remember that this is totally worth it and you guys will look back and wish for simple days--not saying that what you are doing is easy, it's not but things get more complicated once kiddos enter the equation--does that make sense? Anyway! You sound happy and that is good-hopefully my bro is taking good care of you!!

  3. Yeah! We are so excited that you guys are part of the blogging world now, it is such a great way for family and friends to keep up with your busy lives.
