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Thursday, August 27, 2009

GOOoooOOOoOoOooOD News!

So I have worked at Jared The Galleria of Jewelry for over 2 years now! When I found out they were almost down building the Jared down here in Orem Utah I got really excited! But then when they were finally having interviews for the job, I had already made plansto go on a mission in May, so obviously I wouldn't be here and I already had a job at the time at NuSkin....SO when Joshua decided to mess with all my plans and convince me to stay home and marry him, I had already quit my job at NuSkin and it was too late to interview for a job at the new Jared store. Which means I have been Jobless ALL summer! Meaning I have made negative money all summer! Which I am sure Joshua and my father were less than pleased with. So sometime in early July, I heard a little rumor that the new store might have some hours available because some of their new employees didn't work out. I jumped on this rumor and called Jared right away, they said to come in and meet with the General Manager, so I did and we had a lovely chat and I was thinking O I totally got this job in the bag!! So I wait and wait and wait and wait and call them and wait and wait and bug them and wait and wait and call the DM and wait and call my old manager and wait and call them a few more times and Wait! And then finally I call one more time and the manager tells me that they have no hours and can't hire me but to check back in September cause they might get more then. So I am totally bummed cause I have put all my eggs in that basket and probably could have gotten a different job by this time, and now school was starting in 2 weeks and I was still jobless. Meaning I would have to try and find a well paying, evening, part-time job when every other college student in provo is moving back and doing the EXACT same thing. So while I am trying to decide where I should apply, I get a call from the assistant manager at the Orem Jared, and she says that they might get more hours next week and is wondering if I could come in for a real interview! YES!! So I run in there and this "real interview" consisted of me filling out an application and thats about it. But they said that if they get approved to have more hours then I got the job! SO just barely 20 minutes ago, I get another call from the assistant manager and I GOT THE JOB!!!!! This is a huge answer to Joshua and my prayers and we (especially me because I love this job and I was seriously dreading trying to find a new job which I was sure to hate compared to this one) are so so so grateful that it all worked out in the end.....doesn't it always!!!!

Oh P.S. Joshua and I are putting another offer on a house tomorrow, so hopefully this Luck continues and I'll be writing another good news blog soon!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Here it goes!

Well here is our first Blog post ever! Joshua and I just got married on July 30th 2009! And so far it has been wonderful! We have had a good time putting our home together and doing all that newlywed stuff! This last weekend, we got all our gift cards together and went to target and had a blast! Shopping is so much more fun when you don't have to pay for it! We bought new towels, pillow cases, glasses, toaster oven, waffle maker, bookcases and lots of other things, but the thing I was most excited about was our couch covers and pillows we bought! They have made a HUGE difference in making our little apartment look a little more homely. By the end of our shopping spree we had spent over $500.00 at target and not one penny came out of our pockets! Thank you all so much for being so generous! If it wasn't for all of you, we would probably still be sitting on plastic tubs and sleeping on a twin size mattress with my cute pink bed set.

Moving on, we both start school on monday, we are a little nervous about never seeing each other again until Christmas break, but hopefully we will both be able to organize our time and priorities so that we will still remember each others names in a few months. This semester might be kinda a tough one for me, I will be taking 3 of my major classes, and all of which I doubt will be easy, I also will be taking 3 other classes on top of that, and hopefully will be getting hired on at the Jared store here in Orem. Joshua will be very busy as well, he isn't going to be a full time student, but mostly because there aren't enough hours in the day for that to be possible. In addition to his classes he will be working full time at NuSkin, volunteering for BYU as an EMT, and studying for the LSAT which he plans on taking in February. Luckily though we decided to take our religion class together this semester, so that should be fun for us. It will be interesting to see how we do in it, since our studying habits are a little different. Joshua is a study till you drop kind of student, and I am more like a study until you get distracted student. So maybe we will balance each other out and both improve!

Well I guess that's everything! I will try and get this updated as much as possible! Leave some comments so I don't feel like I am writing to a brick wall! We love and miss you all! Catherine and Joshua!